Welcome to our school |
Автор: Виктория Афонина |
02.08.2012 14:08 |
Тема: Экскурсия в мою школу. “ Welcome to our school” Оборудование: проектор, экран, ноутбук Урок составила: Афонина В.Н. Цели урока:
Задачи урока:
Good afternoon, dear children and guests. We are glad to see you at our lesson “Welcome to our school” Беседа с детьми о погоде и самочувствии. СЛАЙД 1 How are you? Well, The more we learn, the more we know The more we know, the more we forget The more we forget, the less we know The less we forget, the more we know So why study? Today is our last lesson in the school academy and as I promised we are going to have a show. On the one hand it will help you to summarize all the information you got on the problem. And on the other hand you will be able to brush up your presentation skills. While doing that try to speak clearly. Don’t forget to keep eye contact with the audience. While one student is talking the others please think carefully and try to ask some questions after presentation. Ok, lost time is never found again. Let’s start. Let’s talk about our school. (Снимаем здание школы и вокруг) Презентация слайдов ( 1-7 ) Для комментария слайдов студенты выходят к доске) Слайд 2 А Hello, I am …… I am from Russia. I am 15. I want to receive a good education and I go to school. The number of my school is 22. (крупным планом номер школы и вывеску) I am a student of our school. And this is B, my friend..
Слайд 3 B. –Hello, my name is ……. I live in Balashikha, Moscow region. I am also a pupil. We want to show you our school. Common.
Слайд 4 А Now, everyone look at the slide/ My school is an ordinary secondary comprehensive one.
Слайд 5 B Our school was founded in 1986 . And now it is one of the largest schools in our area. About 700 pupils learn in it. (679) More than 48 men and women teach children here.
Слайд 6 (Цветы на школьной территории) А So, as you will see from the picture//// There is a school yard around it. In summer, there are a lot of flowers near our school.
Слайд 7 (снимаем спортивную площадку) B Now, we are going to look at this slide/ One can see a sports ground in front of the school. We have our physical training lessons there, if the weather is fine.
SO, LOOK (смотрит на плакат) WELCOME TO OUR SCHOOL. Teacher. Thank you, dear. You have seen slides. Now answer some questions, please. At your desk you have some cards. Will you take these cards. Now girls are going to ask you some questions and you should write the answer. Do you like our school? What subjects do you learn? (Таблички ответов на вопросы с пропусками слов) I --------(like) my school. I -----(learn) a lot of subjects. My English ------(teacher) is Victoriya Nikolaevna. There ----(are ) many boys and girls in my class. Who is your class teacher? How many boys and girls are in your class? Ученикам выдаются таблицы с пропусками важных слов. Ученики (A B). задаёт вопросы , а ученики 6 класса должны вписать недостающее слово (ученики 6 класса задают вопросы ведущим старших классов. (A B) What is school for you? What does it mean for you? (School helps me make my own decision. School helps me to understand myself better. School makes me be polite and well behaved. School introduces me to new scientific ideas and gives me an opportunity to explore them. School develops my talents. School helps me to believe in myself and in my abilities.
Teacher. Great! I see you have different opinions about the school. Let’s go on.
Слайд 8 Hi, My name is …….C We are on the ground floor now. By the way. On the ground floor we have cloakrooms. You can see some cloakrooms. We leave our coats, hats and boots here.
Слайд 9 А So/ Let’s look at the next slide. Our school has got three floors. If you enter the school and go to the left you will see the head’s room. This is the main office. This is the private office of our head mistress. I think you’d like to see the special video. So, go on.
Видео 1 B- Good morning, This is Miss Ирина Михайловна. , can you spare me a minute? И.М. –yes, of course. B – What kinds of work do you do?
И.М. First of all, I run the school. I look after for my pupils. I give a talk and hold a meeting with our parents. Also I point teachers. I plan and organize our work. And I like my work very much. B Thank you . Bye.
Слайд 11 A. Excellent. That was a very good piece of work. We should say : All that Irina Mikhaylovna does Does with her might
Всё что делает Ирина Михайловна, делает с умом.
Слайд 12 С. Now, have a look. On the left you can see the workshop for girls. Look at the video. Слева вы увидите мастерскую для девочек. Видео 2 С. Hi, My name is Olga. I’m 14. Would you like to know about my favorite teacher? Then, This way please. This is Татьяна Васильевна. (Tatyana Vasilyevna) -Татьяна Васильевна. What do girls do at your lessons? -Т.В. Usually girls study to sew, knit and cook well. С. How do you think, all girls like your subject? Т.В – Yes, I think so. They sew aprons, skirts and jackets. С. Thank you . Bye.
Слайд 13 Very good. Lovely work. So. On the right at the end of the corridor there is a workshop for boys. Our boys work with metal and wood in them. You can see our video. Видео 3
. What do boys do at your lessons? Э.П – Гвоздь забить, ребята, Задача не проста…. Вся эта работа Начнётся с молотка. Достигнуть хочешь высоты – Будь с железом ты на «Ты» Делай всё с желанием И приложи старание. Стоя на носочках, глядя в небеса Достигнуть той вершины Не трудясь нельзя. Что-то не получится Смотри не унывай. Учись, трудись и снова Ты к станку вставай!
D Drive the nail aright, boys, Hit it on the head. Strike with all your might, boys, While the iron’s red. When you’ve work to do , boys, Do it with a will. They who reach the top, boys, First must climb the hill. Standing at the food, boys Looking at the sky, How can you get up, boys, If you never try? Though you stumble off, boys, Never be downcast: Try, and try again, boys You’ll succeed at last. A – O.K. Fine Thank you
Слайд 14 (фото класса в младшей школе) B So, brilliant work. Let’s continue our excursion. Look on the right. You can see our kids. On the first floor the infants’ department – the Preparatory school. Look. Here. Our pupils will show you the sketch about Peter. This is Ann. She will be his mother. This is Kristina. She will be a teacher. This is Alexander. He will be Peter. Once there lived a lazy, careless boy. His name was Peter. His mother and father worked from morning till late at night. But Peter didn’t like to study. He liked to play. And that was, what he did all day long. Well, let’s start.
Pete: I can run…… (длинная рубашка на Пете) I can jump ……. I can climb like this…… Mother: Pete, It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to have breakfast and go to school. What are you doing? Pete: I’m putting on my shirt. Where are my socks, I wonder? Oh, I don’t know where my shoes are! And Where are my trousers? Mum, please come and help me! Mother: Here are your socks, shoes and trousers. And what is there in your pockets, I wonder? Pete: Oh, some little things. Mother: Let us see what those little things are: a box, a tennis ball, three sweets, two cookies, an apple…! Oh, Pete!!!! You must not keep those things in your pockets! Dress quickly and have your breakfast. Look at the clock! It’s time for me to go to my office. When you go to school, put on your cap, your warm jacket and mittens. It’s cold today. Now, look here, Pete, next time I shall not help you. Pete: Don’t worry mum. Bye. See you in the evening. Mother: Good bye my sunny. Good bye my dear. (часть 2) I am going to school this morning….. And I look like this.
(стучит) Teacher: Come in. Pete: Good morning, Miss. May I come in? Teacher: Pete! Why are you late? Pete: Please, madam. Oh, sorry, I am very sorry. I got up early. I washed my neck, my face and ears. Then, I cleaned my teeth. I was very hurry to school. But when I was crossing the street, an old granny was very afraid to do it. I could help her. Then, she asked me to take home. Teacher: Good, Pete. All right. But why have you put on different socks? Red and Blue. Pete: Because, I don’t know where my things are. But honest. It won’t happen again. Teacher: Well. It’s good to have the right thing in the right place. Sit down on your place. (Окончание диалога) Дети выходят втроем и читают стих о своем учителе. My teacher.
Who says “Good morning” When I am at my lesson. My teacher.
Who does exercises with us And shows me often how to learn? My teacher.
Who helps me when I don’t know the answer. And who can funny stories tell? My teacher.
Who is so nice, who is so kind, who is so clever and who is so patient. My teacher. Teacher. Now we’ll play a game. This is a question and answer game. Everybody takes turns in answering questions about our school and our slides. The idea of this game is for you will be able to answer to my questions, not say “Yes” “No”. Welcome to the “yes/no Contest”. You should answer to 7 questions and say them very quickly. А теперь сыграем в игру . Это игра на вопросы и ответы. Каждый участник игры по очереди отвечает на вопросы о нашей школе и о просмотренных слайдах. Цель этой игры заключается в том, чтобы вы смогли ответить на мои вопросы не говоря «Да» и «Нет» Вы приглашаетесь принять участие в соревновании «Да» и «Нет» не говорить. Вам следует ответить на 7 вопросов и говорить их очень быстро.
Let’s play a game. Who would like to be the first? Listen carefully. (вопросы для первого участника) (возможные реплики ) учителя 1. What is your name? You are wrong 2. Ann, are you a pupil? Stop there, please/ 3. Do you go to school? That’s enough, thank you/ 4. Is the number of your school 22? There was a mistake. You said…. 5. I think, are you a good pupil?
6. Do you know words about school? Very good, Ann. That’s very good. 7. Is the pen red? You didn’t make any mistakes. You’ve won.
(вопросы для второго участника) Who will be the next? I hope you are feeling well today/ Let’s start. 1. Who is your class teacher? 2. Is she an English teacher? 3. Do you love her? 4. Does she love you? 5. Has she got a bag? 6. Is her bag green? 7. Are you 7 years old?
(вопросы для третьего участника) Who will be the next? 1. Are you Vika? 2. What are your favourite lessons? Why? 3. Is History your favourite lesson? 4. When do lessons begin and finish? 5. I suppose, you start your day at 8 o’clock, don’t you? 6. Are you good at school? 7. Do you work hard at school?
I am afraid it’s time to finish our game now. Let’s go upstairs to the 1-st floor. Ну что, ещё вы не устали? Идём мы на второй этаж.
Видео 4 ( в библиотеке) E Hi, my name is …. I am in the 9th class. I’d like to tell you about our library. People come here to study because it’s a quiet place. We have a lot of books here. This is ……………………. I know that you work at our school and you are a skilled librarian. Do our pupils often go to the school library? Библ. Да, конечно. Наши учителя и ученики любят ходить в школьную библиотеку после уроков. F (переводчик) Yes, of course. Our teachers and pupils like to go to the school library after classes. E Have you got a lot of friends at school? F У вас много друзей в школе? Библ. Книги – вот мои друзья, Здесь профессия моя. Очень книги я люблю И на время вам даю E I hope you like to look in a book each day! I hope you like to read a good book each day! I hope you like to give it much care each day! Thank you / Bye/
By the way, I have a riddle. Try to guess. What are they?
We have friends They cannot play And cannot see But they are good To you and me (Books)
Слайд 15 A В конце коридора имеется большой спортивный зал. Здесь проходят уроки физкультуры. Мы делаем зарядку, играем в баскетбол, волейбол и другие игры.
B At the end of the corridor there is a big gymnasium. We have physical training lessons here. We do exercises, play basketball and other games. Слайд 16 (младшие школьники говорят, на картинке кто-то подтягивается) Любим физкультуру очень И со спортом мы дружны Подтянуться на уроке 48 раз должны
Teacher. I think you are tired. It’s time to have a break. Слайд 17
С Near the sports hall there is our canteen. We have meals during the breaks here. D Возле спортивного зала, находится наша столовая. Здесь мы кушаем во время перерыва..
Слайд 18 Чтобы думать мы могли, Мы в столовую пришли. Кормят вкусно здесь всегда И горячая еда. Так же есть буфет у нас, А буфетчица-то класс! (имя………) Слайд 19
С She bakes delicious pies, rolls, cakes. Also she makes tea and coffee. She cooks us something really nice. D Она печет вкусные пироги , булочки, пирожные. Также она делает чай и кофе. Она готовит что-нибудь вкусное и всегда необычное.
Teacher. Let’s see how well you know the slides. Here are some sentences from our slides. Who says the sentences? Слайд 20( the exercise)
The more we know Слайд 21 (answers) 1 Tatyana Vasilyevna 2 Aleksandr Eduardovich.
Слайд 22 E Танцевать на сцене, очень любим мы. И за нами хорошо, наблюдать со стороны.
Слайд 23
E It is necessary to say something about our school hall. We organize school parties there. Pupils of our school sing songs, dance modern and folk dances and perform some plays there.
F Необходимо сказать несколько слов о нашем актовом зале. Там мы организуем школьные вечеринки. Ученики нашей школы поют песни, танцуют современные и народные танцы, а также показывают школьные спектакли.
Jane: Hi ,Mary! Mary : Hi, Jane! Jane : How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Mary: Not bad, but I am tired. I’d like to have holidays. Jane: It’s a funny thing about holidays. What’s matter? Mary: We’re are going to have a party. I have to dance .Oh, please. Can you have a look? Jane : It is very interesting. Let’s start. Mary: (танцует) Jane :Oh, you are great. It’s fantastic. Mary: But I’m very tired. I’d like to have holidays. Jane : Have you heard about the schoolboy who wanted a few more days’ holiday? He phoned to the teacher and said, in a voice, that, he hoped, sounded like his father’s: (Выбегает мальчик) Берет телефон и звонит: -Hello! Good morning. Can I speak to Miss, Victoria Nykolaevna! Teacher: Yes, It’s me. I am listening to you. Boy: “ I regret to say that Peter is ill in bed and will not be able to return to school for three or four days”. Teacher: Oh, It’s a pity. “I’m sorry to hear that/ Who is speaking? Boy: My father, miss. Teacher. Thank you, dear children. As you know, we like to perform some plays in English or in Russian at our school. Shall I tell you a story? This is an old story of love and friendship. How well our children play on the stage! Look at the pretty girl and the good-looking boy. They feel love as Romeo and Juliet. (William Shakespeare) Музыка (слайды 24-26) ROMEO [To JULIET] If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. JULIET Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. ROMEO Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? JULIET Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. ROMEO O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. JULIET Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. ROMEO Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged. JULIET Then have my lips the sin that they have took. ROMEO Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again. JULIET You kiss by the book. Teacher. Thanks a lot. Now let’s see that play in Russian. Ромео (Джульетте)
Когда моей рукою недостойной Я мог твою святыню оскорбить, Позволь губам моим, двум пилигримам, Мой сладкий грех лобзаньем искупить.
Но, пилигрим, невелика вина Твоей руки: в ней набожность видна; Паломникам позволено руками С молитвою касаться рук святых, И жмут они друг другу руку сами, Пожатие руки - лобзанье их.
Но, кроме рук, даны и губы им.
Джульетта Да, - чтоб читать молитвы, пилигрим. Ромео
О, если так, то, милая святая, Позволь губам молиться, подражая Моей руке; даруй ей благодать, Чтоб веры мне своей не потерять.
Недвижными святые пребывают, Хоть милость за молитву посылают.
Не двигайся ж, пока не испросил Я милости молитвами своими... (Целует ее.) Ну, вот, теперь я прегрешенье смыл, Соединив мои уста с твоими. Джульетта
И на моих устах твой грех лежит.
Как мило ты на это негодуешь! Отдай его назад, коль тяготит. (Целует ее снова.)
Джульетта Ты, пилигрим, по требнику целуешь. Teacher: Thank you. I am so pleased with your work. Now all of you, look at the board.
Видео 5 A Hi, it’s me again. There are many classrooms in our school. Lessons begin at 8.30/ each lesson lasts 40 minutes/ break 10 minutes. Here we can see a nice recreation, a Russian room, an English room, a Biology room, a Mathematic room, a Physics room, a Chemistry room, a History room, a Geography room and others. B There is a teacher’s room with a time-table А здесь учительская наша Здесь наши все учителя Какой урок по расписанию – Они ответят вам всегда A Now, let’s meet with our deputy Head’s. Good afternoon. Let me introduce you. This is Nathaliya Alexandrovna and Nina Nykolaevna. . N.A. and N.N are our deputy directors. N.A. Could you tell me about education in Russia? N.A. No, problem. Yes, of course. Our original form of Russian education was always excellent. It’s a big part our nation’s politics. B. Exactly! What’s your opinion? N.N. I think that education helps to form your personality. B You are quite right. Thank you. Bye, now. A. And who’s this? This is the mummy of our school parties. Olga Eduardovna. Good afternoon. I know that pupils of our school sing songs, dance modern dances. So, Can you tell me anything about our school holidays, funny and merry parties? What do you like to do at your work? O.E. I organize our parties, prepare our holidays. A. What school parties do you like best of all? Can you tell us about one of them? O.E. Yes, I can. I like “ The last bell” at our school. It is a very remarkable day in the life of our pupils. A Thank you. Good luck to you. Good bye.
Teacher. But now you have many subjects at your timetable. I’ll describe some lessons and you are to name them. Be attentive.
Слайд 27 B Let’s continue our excursion. We are going to the second floor upstairs. At the end of the corridor you can see a computer classroom. Students learn to work on computers and make programmers on subject.
Teacher. We are at our lesson in the classroom again. It’s me. Victoriya Nikolaevna. Слайд 28 ( c моим фото)
Teacher. And now we are going to practice role play. First, I will describe you the situation. The action takes place at the lesson in our school. You should act the dialogue about your homework. I ‘ll give you time to work out what you are going to say. Have you done the dialogue yet? Well, I think you are ready to start. Start your role play in English. (Примерный диалог) Teacher. Good morning, everybody. All: Good morning, miss. Teacher. Have you all done your homework? Give me your copy-books now, please…. Where is your homework, Hob? Hob: I have left my copy-book at home, miss. I am sorry. Teacher. It’s bad for you. (after the lesson) Mary: Has Miss Victoria Nykolaevna corrected your homework, Jane? Jane: Yes. Mary: What has she written in your copy-book? Jane: Here it is. You can see it. (Mary reads) Mary: “You have done this exercise very well.” Oh! Jane, you haven’t made any mistake at all/ I have made 6. How many mistakes have you made in your work, Hob? Hob: None. Jane: But your haven’t brought your copy-book to the class, today. Miss Victoria Nykolaevna can’t correct your work if you don’t bring your copy-book here. Hob: He couldn’t correct my homework even if I brought my copy-book to class today. Jane: Why not? Hob: Because I haven’t done it. Teacher: I know you love our school. Then, answer my questions, please.
Teacher: Thank you very much. It was very pleasant to listen to you today. Your home task will be to write a composition about your school life. The lesson is over. Goodbye.
Обновлено 02.08.2012 14:12 |